Monday, August 15, 2011

It's been one week since you looked at me... Day 7

Thats right folks, one week has passed and I wish I could say that time was flying by but its not. Thankfully I have facebook to keep me occupied. I am a member of a lot of military support groups and today I was made an admin in one of them. Its great because I can initiate games and give people help when they are having a tough time like I am. Nights are still the hardest. But i do have some good news, He sent me a message on facebook today I only missed him by 40 minutes. You can bet i was kicking myself for rolling over for a couple more minutes of sleep. But you know what alot of stuff like that happens. He told me the cell he bought wasn't meant for international use, only local in Germany. He also hasn't worn his hoodie because it still smells like me, I thought that was really sweet. I miss him so much, I cried today when I realized what I had missed him by, it was tough. Im really not use to not hearing from him and I can honestly say that I really hate it. I thought I had my phone set up to alert me when I recieved a new facebook message but turns out I havn't and I dont know how to do it.

Theres the photo for day 7, I was told I look pretty but I feel like crap. Today I watched nothing but disney channel and did stuff on facebook. I also watched a movie with my mommy and I think im going to watch hudson hawk when im done blogging because I really love that movie. Its so funny. His scent is beginning to fade and I don't know how to hang onto it. I'm not ready to let it go yet, Im not ready to give up any part of him. I know it will happen eventually wether i want it to or not, but im really hoping I can hold onto him for another week, just until I have something going that will keep me busy at the very least. Please let his scent linger for that much longer. I think I may have a hard time falling asleep tonight, I hope I dream of him, and get to hold him close. I love you baby so much, you are in my heart and soul for all of eternity. Stay safe and we will chat real soon love.

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