Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 6

Almost one week has passed since he left and its getting a little easier although I still miss him as much as I did the day he walked onto the airplain. Im not crying nearly as much and have yet to cry today, although I havn't layed down for sleep yet so I may have just jinxed myself. I watch the videos I took of him at look at pictures everynight and I also listen to my one saved voicemail from him. I wish I could talk to him again, but I know that probably wont happen for a while. I dont care if he wakes me up in the middle of the night honestly, I would give anything to hear his voice. Our last phone conversation was cut off before I could say my "talk to you laters" and I dont know if it was him or the phone running out of minutes. I may have found a way to talk to him lots for cheap but I have to talk to him about it first.

Mommy and me watched celtic thunder storm tonight and it was really good, although I was distracted through half of the programing by things moving in the corner of my eye. And now its time for bed and I am worried about what may happen tonight. I feel cold all over and while im always cold, this cold has an odd chill to it. I have my Simba and Charlie Bear to watch over me and my amethist to help me sleep. Then there is everything Justin left me which has absorbed his energy and that should really help keep the bad things away, especially the dreams. I miss him so much, I wish there was a way to talk to him at this very moment and tell him everything that has happened. Im use to talking to him everyday and telling him everything and the past week I have been able to tell him nothing and heard nothing about what he has been going through at his new station. I dont know if he has made new friends (although im almost certain he has, people tend to flock to him) or when he will be in his permanent room, or how he likes it there or anything. It is upsetting to me because i like sharing in his everyday life... and there aren't many I could talk to who understand what I mean when I say things.

I have my baby kitty Leo who will watch over and protect me. He is a good cat and I love him very much. Justin aproves of him and told him it was his official job to watch over me while he was away, it was really cute cuss Leo kinda bowed his head in acknowledgement then gave both of us love before walking around my room like an inspection. He is such a sweetheart. I will be so sad if I can't take him with me to my aunts house. Speaking of which I need to start packing up all my stuff and figure out what exactly I want to take and how I am going to make it all fit.

Day 6 Photo

I know im not dwelling on Justin as much in this post, but dont think that means I dont miss him because I do so very much, but I need to get out and do things while he is away. I can't sit in my room and cry all the time. I have to see people and socialize (even though I hate it) and I have a life to live and plans to work out and then put into action. Like my t-mobile cell. Its unrealiable because it turns off in the middle of use so I have to find my old one and hope that it works. Anyways I think I have rambled enough about nonsense that I can comfortable miss my baby while I lie in bed and try to sleep.

I love you baby, with all my heart and I wish for your safety and hope to see you everynight in my dreams. Take care of yourself and quickly adjust to the time difference so you get a decent amount of sleep. Dont sleep in and miss work. And figure out a way to contact me soon so I know your ok. I love you my sweet, my dear, my life. I will hold you tonight in my dreams. I love you, I miss you, stay safe.

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