Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 14 (2 weeks officially)

So i am at my aunts house right now and I have mostly everything set up in the room except my shoes and clothes which are still at my house. Orientation is tomorrow and im super excited and can't wait. I have a ton of stuff to hang up on the walls and a ton of things to think about regarding going to Germany. I am going, there is no question about that, just for the length of time and when isn't so certain right now. Im not really sure what to do about it but i realized today that Justin has to be involved in every step of making plans to do this. I cannot do it without him so until we really get a chance to sit down and plan out a strategy, im kinda stuck just thinking about the what ifs.

I did not hear from him today but i did get some useful advice and tips from some people and some discouraging tips from others. Tips like just give up if your not married. Not helpful people. But I have to decide if im gong to be there longer than three months because if i am i need a visa and i need to apply and figure out how to do that. I need a logical legal reason and im not sure I have on the German embasy would accept. I would give literally anything to be able to call him right now and just listen to him play his video games. I would give anything to have him here with me where i was cuddled up to him while he played his video games. I just want to hear his voice, its been too long and im having withdrawls. I have the videos i recoreded of him memorized which is a little sad.

This was my picture for day 14. Its my room, still needs some organization and fine touches but I like it and I think it looks pretty good all things considered. Im going to keep this blog post short for tonight, im on my aunts computer and really have nothing new to say. Hopefully I will have a lot to write about after orientation tomorrow. Wish me luck! And baby, you know that i love you and that we will work together to get everything figured out. Im will never leave, you can't get rid of me. Like you told me on our one year, your stuck with me, and I mean that. I love you with all my heart and i hope you are enjoying the wonderful experience you were given that is Germany. I miss you and we will talk really soon. Love you baby.

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