Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 80... a little late

OMG! For the first time I forgot to post a day 80. I was so caught up in my homework and webcamming with my baby that it didn't even cross my mind to write this. So Im writing day 80 on the same day that I will be writing 81. I feel really bad about forgetting. I got the pictures and everything up so how on earth could I forget about this post!

Well, time has been passing ever so slowly, My finals are all due next week and then im done with school and its off to find a job and save up lots of mulah. I hope I will be able to because the way its looking right now money is going to be really tight. Plus I don't want Justin saving up everything by himself. I spent literally all day yesterday working on homework and today is just going to be a repeat of that. I am so over homework and I really need a change so maybe its a good thing I will be taking a little break from school. Now the only dilema is where am i going to find a job? Where I live there really isn't all that many people hiring and so many people are looking for jobs that people like me, with no experience, have a really hard time finding one. Plus for some reason I always fail on the personality tests. Everyone says to lie but honesty counts in my opinion so every question I am going to answer honestly. Oh well though, I will get a job eventually. Im hoping that I will actually get two or three jobs because thats how much I really need the money. School sucks of course so im super happy its almost done. Well I better get up and start my day, i really hope my babes gets online soon so I can chat him up for a little bit.

Hey baby! So sorry i forgot about day 80, and tomorrow is your birthday! I hope you go out and have lots of fun with your guy friends, sorry I can't be there in person but you know I am always with you in spirit. You are the love of my life and my best friend and I look foreward to everyday that we share together even when we are miles and miles apart. I love you baby.

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