Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 188

Ok, so now that I have a ton of time to write, I'm actually going to write! I am married, officially, legally wed. It is weird seeing my last name as his, I haven't even practiced my signature yet, even though I am definitely going to have to get a start on that soon. My mom is amazing and threw me a beautiful bridal shower, and my best friend threw me a surprise bachelorette party, since we were all underage it was very clean except a certain shaped cake and pin the macho on the man game. Those were pics that did not go up on Facebook. At my bridal shower I got a crock pot, rice maker/food steamer, pizza stone, stoneware casserole dish, onion tomato and garlic keepers, double spoon rest, OPI nail lacquer and some gag gifts like the honey do whistle, honeymoon survival kit, and random dice. Justin saw the whistle and was like "I'd break that in one day!" which is the reaction I knew he would have lol. His mom brought me a marble rolling pin which was really pretty and his dad and step-mom gave us 100 for when I get over there we can pick out something we both want together. Maddi and mom put together a collage picture frame for me which is pics of me and Justin when we were little and in high school. I think that was honestly my favorite gift. Now I have to go out and buy thank you cards, fill them out, and pray to god I remember to send them. I totally forgot about them after my graduation party and I didn't remember until just a couple days ago and I graduated over a year ago. Yeah I am bad about little stuff like that.

Baby, I am so happy you liked the stuff I picked out. And that your anime is so epically awesome. I wish I could be cuddled up right next to you watching it. You are, and will always be, the light and love of my life. I am so blessed to say that I get to spend the rest of my life by your side and I can't wait to actually get there and be with you. Hang in there, not too long and we will be together again. I love you.

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