Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 104

Went through the whole day at work thinking I did really great just to get home, write down my schedual for the week and realize I made a huge uh-oh. Oh well though, not much I can do about it now, whats done is done. Anyways, im so tired, I didn't reallize it was possible for my back to hurt so bad just from standing all day, and the back of my knees, and my ankles, and the bottoms of my feet and lordy. This working thing is more taxing than a fifty pound backpack I had to pack around in school. Speaking of school I withdrew officially, and when I was withdrawing they failed to mention a small fee that I owed to them. So Im p****d because I need to earn double what I was hoping to pay back everything and still help Justin and me out by saving up money. I just hate schools, they screw you over every chance you get. So I don't think I will be attending one ever again at least that is my current frame of mind, we will see after I have had a chance to cool down from feeling screwed over by the last school I attended. My room is freezing cold and I had a NIGHTMARE last night which sucked, I woke up crying and called Justin to calm down because I couldn't figure out if I was awake or asleep. It was truly horrible and left me exausted this morning because I had a hard time falling asleep after that and speaking of sleep I really need to get some since I start work at 9:45 in the morning. Fun stuff, and of course I have to wake up early to talk to my baby a little bit or my day won't be nearly as sunshiny. Oh one more note of good news, I got several work outfits! YAY! now I don't have to wear the same crap everyday. Thank you mommy who I love so much for spending even more money on me. I promise I will pay you back every penny.

Baby, you are a turd, but I love you anyways. Next time you really don't like something I pick out, just say it right away because thinking you like it and then having you bash it before you remember why you kept your mouth shut in the first place about not liking it just makes it hurt more. So remember, communication. And even though I know you still dont like it im going to try and convince you of it anyways. Because I am an obstinat little creature and I know that you will love me anyways and find it more cute/funny than anything else that I think I could possibly sway you of anything. But thats enough, I need sleep and you are at work makings of the mulahs for the foods and stuff. My big strong manly man. I love you and really really wish I could just hold you right now, I was holding the computer while you were on webcam thats how strong my urge was. Yes, i am a sad panda but thats the way the cookie crumbles. Have a great day baby and I will talk to you when I wake up.

on a side side note, I think i have a cardboard cut on the tip of my right pointer finger. 0.0 ouch!

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