Saturday, March 5, 2011

Oh my goodness gracious

I have not posted in a week! How horrible of me to deny all of my readers my infinite words of wisdom. I'm just kidding, I don't have readers. :) This blog is all for me to vent and rant and rave! Muahahahaha. Anyways, so it seems like a lot has happened when in all reality not all that much has happened at all. Last time i was posting about getting over being sick and some stuff that was going on with a friend.

Well, this last week a really good friend of mine came over and stayed with me and we completely re-arranged my room. I still have a hard time sleeping but I think that is going to happen no matter what I do with my room. I'm going through all of my stuff and I went through some of my books and sold the ones I didn't really read. I could have probably gotten more money from them than I did but oh well, I sorta needed the cash asap. I still have a long way to go before my room is the way I want it to be, but I think I should be done with everything I want to get done by April.

My friend who was over has been having a lot of guy problems recently. Her ex has started some stuff with her and everyone knows they should just try being together but so far it isn't happening. I don't know, I'm sort of to the point where I just tell her that she should give up on him. I mean, don't get me wrong he is a great guy and someone I consider a really good friend, it just seems like relationship wise he causes a lot of drama. So anyways lots has been going on with them and my great friend (the chick) has wanted to blow up and honestly I don't blame her.

So when me and her were driving around we noticed my car was smoking from under the hood. Well that's not a good sign so we pulled over and found out the radiator was leaking. So I had to bring it home and my mom's boyfriend had to fix it. Lovely. I got a guilt trip from him because although he is a mechanic he hates working on cars when he is at home. Its understandable, but when a radiator is leaking and needs to be replaced you should sort of just do it for the safety of the household ya know? I mean I understand complaining if its something small like the window wipers or something but when its huge like an axle or radiator just do it and don't complain! It really ticks me off that I'm made to feel guilty about something that I had no control over and then he mentions I could pay him to compensate or something and I was like "I don't have any fucking money. I have three dollars to my name right now" and that was not exaggerating. I had two dollars in my checking and a single dollar bill in my wallet. So I was made to feel doubly guilty for making him work on my car that's really, really old and of course is going to have problems, and also for not being able to pay him for the work he did because why? Oh yeah, I don't have a job! I'm trying to find one but I made certain commitments and until they are fulfilled I am outta luck as far as a job goes. Thankfully my aunt pays me for taking my cousin to daycare.

I am still sick. I went to the doctors and they gave me some medicine but I still have a chronic cough that refuses to go away. At least it doesn't have my doubled over gagging in complete pain. So I guess I'm better but still on the mend. And tonight I have a headache which doesn't help my situation at all. I took some Tylenol and its just starting to kick in. Hopefully my headache will be gone in an hour or so.

School is going pretty good. I had to get a tutor for Practical Accounting and she is helping me out a little bit but I don't understand what I'm learning which is the entire problem. Oh well I only have about a week left and two days of finals and then I'm done for the quarter. I'm probably going to have to get a loan to cover the cost of my books and stuff but that really can't be helped. And I am determined to pay my mom back for everything she has bought this last year for school and for letting me live here and not kicking me out so I figure I owe her about two thousand and once I get that payed off I will start paying for my gas, my part of the phone bill, and rent if she will let me. Then I wont feel like a leech anymore and I will actually feel useful.

I have had a lot of issues lately dealing with people but I think that it is all getting better. I still get annoyed really easily but I hope I have worked out the major issues with the people I had them with. I don't know, it still needs to be proven whether that obstacle has been brought down or if there will be more headbutting in the future. I think what I need to do is go up to Alaska and live in a secluded cabin for a week, away from everyone. But then I will go mad from boredom. Speaking of boredom, last night I was so bored I put on make up and took some pictures then posted them on facebook. I looked at them this morning and I looked like a crack whore. Wow, what was I thinking? lol.

Anyways I think that's it for now. I can't really think about anything else I want to talk about besides the fact that I miss Justin sooooo much. Like its not even funny. I fucking miss my sexy man. :( I'm getting all depressed now because he hasn't called yet so I'm gonna stop typing. Hope you all out in cyberland are doing well this evening. Peace!

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