Monday, March 7, 2011

Its Been One Heck of a Day at Sea Sir...

So I woke up this morning after having this way weird dream that I was back in my high school choir on one of the annual competition trips with my best friend Trisha and there was a lot of junk food in our hotel room which seemed more like an apartment. And then I went to give an old lady the key to the room and there was this issue with money for some reason so I gave her thirty dollars because my choir teacher was getting angry we were holding up the whole group when we had to get going. It was a really weird dream.

Anyways... so I woke up this morning after having the weird dream and I was able to take a shower and chill with my friend who was staying at my house, that's when I got a call from my aunt asking if I had forgotten to pick my cousin up from school. I leapt up and started running around getting my shoes on and I was out the door. I picked him up from his school office and I felt sooooo bad. All he said was "why are you so late?" to which I responded "I forgot." He said "YOU FORGOT!" in that cute little kid way of disbelief and I said "yeah I'm sorry, if it happens again I will give you five bucks." He didn't really seem excited about the prospect of getting money. But that's a five year old for you. Anyways, i took him to daycare and then had to rush back so I could get my friend to the bus on time so that she could get home and get some stuff done and taken care of. After that I got a call from another friend who I was suppose to study with so I got myself together and headed over to her house. I was there for about four hours and we didn't get any homework done. Yeah.... Bad Tami I know. Anyways so I just got back and wanted to post a blog before I got started on my homework. I just have to read my accounting chapter for tomorrows tutoring session and I have to come up for some ideas for the presentation my group has to give on Thursday.

Now you may be wondering what's been going on with the drama, or you may not. But I have decided that I still want to be friends with the guy I mentioned before. I don't think he wants to be friends with me because lots of people have been talking and messages have been messed up in retelling and such. I don't know, we will have to see where it goes. I told him I was always gonna be here for him if he ever needed to talk or anything so he knows where to find me if he does want my friendship. I am done with drama though. Like seriously, everyone just needs to grow up. If people acted like adults and not children then we wouldn't have near the problems we do. But people miscommunicate and misconstrue what others say and get all offended by things before talking to the person who is at the source by sitting down and having an adult conversation with them. Its just really messed up. I don't know, there is always gonna be drama because people are just like that and for some reason I attract people like that because I am a good listener and advice giver. Sometimes it just blows up in my face. Oh well though, I'm getting to the point where i really don't care one way or another.

I mean, its not like I don't have problems of my own. I do, and I don't have the time to get stressed out because of other people when I really have my own problems to take care of. You think this is a selfish thought process? I don't. I put Me, then Justin, then my family, then my friends, then everyone else in that order of importance. I put myself first because if I don't take care of myself, and put effort towards what I want in life then I'm not going to be a good person, I'm not going to be motivated, and I'm not going to be working towards goals which would make me a bad girlfriend to Justin. He is number two on my importance because after taking care of me, our relationship is the most important thing in my life. I don't know how I would function without his love and understanding. My family is third because they are always going to be there to pick me up when I'm down and keep me on my feet. They will pull me back from the edge of disaster. And just because I say family that doesn't necessarily mean blood. A couple of my friends are put into that equation because they are like sisters and brothers to me. Then there is friends and everybody else because if you don't fall into the first three well sorry but your just not that high on my importance list. And I don't even know if I can count taking care of me as number one because that is just a given. I have to take care of myself, so really Justin is number one, family is two, and everyone else can just wait until I have the time and patience to deal with them. I'm trying to keep my life from falling apart around me so If you aren't Justin, or you aren't family, just back away and don't expect my attention or concern because chances are you wont get it and will end up pissed at me but I don't really care.

I'm done rambling for now, I got out what I wanted to say.... I think. Who knows, if not I will post another update tomorrow for anyone who reads and wants to know but mostly for myself so that I don't blow up at innocent bystanders when they ask me a simple question such as "where is the closest hospital?" Lol. Night all.

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