Sunday, March 27, 2011

And has Anything Exciting Happened?

The answer to that question would be no. In the week since I last updated this blog there has been no significant thing that has happened that would be worth updating. It disappoints me on a few many levels that my life when I'm out of school is less exciting then my life when I am in school.

So what did I do? I hung out with some guy friends I haven't seen in a while. Tried to set a friend up with one of them... still not sure how that's going to work out. I played lava monster (no this is not juvenile, it is extremely fun) and I know the exact day I will be going down to stay with a friend. This Thursday actually. I have read two historical romances, and talked to Justin <3 and I have also created yet another new blog just to delete it because I did not like the layout of the site. It was difficult to use and I am already use to blogger so really, why change? The blog was one for books I read and movies I watch. I am thinking of making one under blogger because It really is quite fun to write out my opinions about books. And the best part is no one can really argue with me because it is all my opinion! I actually think I will create another one. That makes four blogs total that I have on blogger and that doesn't count the blogs I have/am thinking of having on military social networking sites. I just think a lot of the "missing my soldier" posts would do a lot better on those sites because people who read them will understand what I am saying and if I need some support I am almost guaranteed to get it.

I have been eating saltine crackers like no tomorrow. I just love them, they are so  nummy! And I have also had a crazy urge to work out but that really hasn't happened and honestly I am not all that surprised. Yesterday I hung out with someone I haven't seen in a few months and I returned a book to her that she gave me over a year ago that I just found completely defensive. I will probably put a post on my "Finding my Religion" blog about it because I have a feeling it is going to turn into a rant. But I did get a really cute coat yesterday I probably shouldn't have bought because I didn't really have the money for it but I couldn't resist. It was on sale for 40% off!!!!!!! Ugh, I have regrets but I'm also loving the jacket so its all good.

My necklace came in from key element jewelry and I am super happy with it. It is just what I wanted! Now I just need Justin to pose in a pic for me so I can put it into my locket and everything will be good. But of course he plans to make that difficult for me.

Isn't it pretty? Its called "summer love" originally It was a custom design I requested but the maker liked it so much she added it to the website so others could order it as well. I think that's pretty cool. It has a locket, a flip flop, a combat boot, a plaque that says "I love my Military man" and a couple of ribbons and hears. It also has a skeleton key which is by far my very favorite part of the necklace.

Anyways, now I am just in my room writing up this blog and eating some peanut M&M's cus I'm super hungry and dinner won't be done for a while yet. I hope everyone is having a fantabulous day, and school starts Tuesday. BOOO. lol. Anyways I will try to update more regularly but if I don't i do apologize. In the words of Tigger TTFN, ta ta for now!

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