Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 153

Well, no more video chats with my baby for a little while which is a complete and total bummer, but considering how lucky I have been so far I am not going to complain and jinx it. His computer is acting up for the umpteenth million time this year. Today was good, woke up and messaged my love and me and mommy watched more ouran high school host club because there were more episodes than I originally thought. Now we have two more to go before we are finished, so we will finish those tomorrow night. I did see my baby for two minutes today, I called him up and he was like "thats it im turning off my computer" and i was like "Im sorry" and he said "no no, not because of you, my video driver is going haywire" its actually quite funny. Got my room paprtly picked up and packed up a couple of boxes. i was hoping to get rid of most of my junk but im such a packrat I realized that is never going to happen. I have to go through every item individually and decide to keep it or throw it. Because all my junk has so many memories and some pieces even though worthless to some are utterly priceless to me.

Well dear heart, m'lord and love, I hope that your day is excellently amazing and that you get alot accomplished. I love you very very much and can't wait to talk to you again soon. One day there will be no more computers and it will just be you and me. mmmm

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