Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 123

Long day, started out really crappy too. Got lots of sleep but baby went to sleep straight after work so I didn't get to talk to him. Finished watching gargoyles and the final season kinda sucked because it only wrapped up like two of the twenty plot lines it had going. Then I figured I would call and talk to a nurse because Im on my period again, and its been fairly constant over the last month and a half, which is not good. That doubled with dizziness, lower back pain and headaches makes me worry. Yes I am eating for those who think im anorexic. I am not anorexic. I thourally enjoy eating food and would eat a heap load twice a day but if I eat too much I get nautious. So its my body, not me, that isn't a fan of the food. The doctors werent helpful at all, they think its the implanon im on which i really doubt since I had this problem before getting it. So they transfered me and then told me to go see a doctor. Hello people, i have seen three different doctors about this, none of them tell me anything new, most of the time they say give it time and see what happens or they just ignore the issue completly and go after something else they think is more important. So I hate doctors. Then I showed up at work a half hour early. Work was slow but not too bad, I was in childrens so I got to see all the cute clothing and wish I had a baby I could buy it for. It did get me thinking about the christmas presents I need to buy and how im going to budget that. Ugh. Everyones getting cookies. Or something cheep along those lines. So off work now and baby is finally online so im going to be able to talk to him and hopefully that will help. And as if this day couldn't get any worse, my grandma went to the urgent care clinic because she is mega sick and not doing well.

Baby, can you be here right now so I can fall asleep in your arms and forget about dumb and stupid days like this? I would really appreciate it right now. I want to have a needy day. I know its not doable now but watch out because when i get there I may cling for a month or so until you get so fed up with my clinginess you threaten to send me back to the U.S. :p

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