Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Busy as a Bee...

Or at least I feel like I am. Who knew February would be such a crazy hectic month? All of my finals are in the next two weeks, Plus I have homework piled on top of studying for my finals. I have class Tuesday and Thursday mornings and everyday except for Friday I take my cousin to daycare. I told Justin's little brother that I would take him to a training thing at the local animal shelter, but I forgot and accidentally scheduled to have a friend come to dinner that night. Then I had to cancel on that friend which really upset me because I hate when I double plan things (This is why a planner is a useful thing to have, I'm going to start carrying mine around everywhere with me). I felt really bad about having to cancel the dinner so in the future I am writing everything down so that I don't forget. I have a counseling appointment tomorrow to set up a tutor for my practical accounting class which I am currently failing. And then I am going over to my bf's parents house to visit with them before I take his brother to the animal shelter. Thursday I have a ton of homework due and I am going to attempt to get my haircut and Friday a friend and I are going up to Oak Harbor to do some shopping and sightseeing.

This weekend I am doing absolutely nothing but homework both days. Saturday I am doing my homework for the week of 2/14-2/18 and Sunday I am doing homework for the week of 2/21-2/25. It will take me all day to get the work done, but at least I wont have to be worrying about it during the week when I have other things to do. Monday I have to take my cousin to daycare but I don't think I have anything else planned right now... will probably end up doing more homework. Tuesday I have class and have to take my cousin to daycare, I might have a tutoring session that day. Wednesday I am watching my friends son because she has an appointment to go to a couple of hours away, and then she is going to join my family for dinner so that works out nicely. Thursday I am taking my cousin to daycare then I am driving the same friend and her some home and I am going to spend the weekend there helping her out around the house. I will drive home on Monday. I should already have that weeks homework done so hopefully I will be able to relax for a couple of days.

Anyways, that's just a layout of how busy I am... or feel at least. I know lots of people are probably a lot busier than me, but keeping up with college classes and attempting to have a life is not an easy job. I might be running around like a chicken with it's head cut off but at least I will be keeping busy which is so much better than not doing anything at all. When I do nothing I start to think and sometimes become depressed by the fact that Justin is so far away from me. So it is much better by far to keep myself busy, even overly busy, because then I don't let myself get depressed. =D And that is very important to me.

On a side note, the other day I bought huge Velcro rollers because I want to try and give my hair some sort of lift, or curl or body or something. I am a little afraid to try them out just because I don't want to look like a complete idiot. But I figure tomorrow while I have some time I will play around with my hair and make-up because that sort of stuff always cheers me up. I am really happy that I don't have class tomorrow. I will sleep until 9 at least, which is sleeping in for me. And I will get up and take a nice long hot shower and try to just center myself and relax a little. Then I will experiment with hair and make-up like I already said and continue with my day. Boy I'm ranting and raving again. When I start typing I just can't stop myself sometimes. It's a really bad habit that I have to start breaking myself of. Anyways, I'm going to attempt to break this bad habit by stopping here for the night. So I'm gonna say goodnight to all of you. Night <3

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