Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 259

So, yesterday my internet went out and today I figured out a way to get it back up and running. Thankfully it hasn't quite on me again since but it very well could. It really sucked too because my husband passed his pt test with flying colors and he wanted to call and show me his happiness and I had to miss it because without internet I cannot webcam, and I am limited to my phone. That's what I used to post last night and that is why it was so incredibly short, I cannot write long posts on my phone. In addition to getting the internet up and running today, I also got a killer deal on a pair of shoes at Ross, I got them for ten dollars and they were originally forty. It was a great deal. And I got a couple more lingerie outfits, which made me very happy. I love buying shoes and lingerie. Unfortunately my husband has not been online all day so hopefully I will be able to talk to him at some point tomorrow. I miss him a lot, and going even one day without hearing from him really sucks. We are that much closer to figuring everything out though so yay for that!

Baby, I love you and miss you and my internet is fixed so if I don't see you online tomorrow im gonna blow up your facebook wall with messages! lol, just kidding I wont do that. But I do seriously hope you are online. Hugs and Kisses my love, have a great day.

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