Sunday, October 17, 2010

What a weekend

So it all started out friday, no actually friday was pretty dang good. I mean I didn't get an assignment done, but not having one turned in wont kill me. The real pain started Saturday. I woke up in an amazing mood, and decided I needed some new music, so I started downloading. This turned into a full on fest of wanting more and more music. Well my computer decided to crash so I hit the restart button. The computer just kept going through the start up process over and over again. I was pissed and worried because I thought I might have a virus. I took the comp into best buy and they ran a diagnosis, turns out it looks like my hard drive is failing. So lovely, in my freshmen year of college my computer decides to die. Instead of paying the nearly 400 or more dollars to fix it im going to just save up and buy a new one. I am paying 100 dollars to recover as much of my documents and pictures I can though.

Yesterday I decorated with my family and friends for halloween and that was fun. My grandma keeps walking around on her foot that was injured so thats not good. I have a ton of reading to do tonight and I need to edit my paper from 1000 to 800 words. Bleh. But on the plus side of it all.... no wait there isnt a plus side. Im using my moms laptop right now.

I complain, a lot. Justin pointed out this fact to me and I am begining to realize just how true it is. I don't mean to complain, it just always ends up turning out that way. Like what I posted before, it wasn't meant as a complaint but thats how it comes out. Whatever, I will work on it. I will also work on getting a job. I have applied for one place and I'm going to apply for another monday.

I'm worried for Kat and I really hope everything goes ok with her. She is a friend of mine and had a seziure today so she is at the hospital right now getting checked up on. I really hope she is ok.

Im going to get off this thing now. Do something productive like read and study. Be on sometime soon.


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