Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Introductory babble

So as my very first post in this brand spanking new blog... which I've actually been signed up for for a while... anyways, I'm just going to post some of the basics about me and my life and what is currently relevant.

My Name is Tamizan, my dad found it in a book, and I am nineteen years old. This is my first year out of high school and in college and so far I cannot say that I am particularly loving it. I am still living at home, and going to the local community college. Right now my plan is to study English and possibly go into editing, but lately that plan hasn't really seemed like the one I should take. Well, for the first thing, I am not great at editing anything and what I really wanna do is write. I currently have a few ideas for stories in my head and the only reason they are still there is I cannot make myself sit down and finish writing them out.

I know that writing as a profession is unpractical and its not the way to make a comfortable living. If I was to get an English degree then about the only thing I could really do with it is become a teacher, something that I really don't want to do. So I thought about getting a business degree... however the classes I would need for that seemed even less appealing. I really want a job that would give me a steady, and fairly good, income but I just can't seem to find one that would catch and keep my interest.

I am taking two classes at the college right now, the first is a combined English lit. and writing class dealing with Outlaws and Outcasts, the second is first year Chinese. I have already requested a tutor for my Chinese class even though classes only started yesterday. I requested one because I know my past with learning languages (I have tried both French and Japanese) and I can never learn the grammar part of the language. I am having an especially hard time with the pronunciation in my Chinese class. I really want to do well and succeed which is why I am requesting a tutor extra early.

So that's about it for my school life, my family life is pretty straight forward. I live with my mom, sister, and mother's boyfriend. I hate living at home and really wish I could move out but because I have no job (mostly because there are little to no jobs to be had where I live) that is something that will not happen since I can't afford it. I barely got enough financial aid to pay for tuition and books. My sister is still in high school, she is a Junior this year and she is really good at art. I hope she gets an art scholarship so she can become a cartoonist like she wants. My mom is one of my best friends, I know that sounds cheesy but its true, I tell her everything and in return she trusts me and I don't really have any curfews or restrictions on my life. Which is actually really great. My dad lives in Oklahoma with my step-mom and two youngest siblings. I have one other sister that lives with her mom a couple of hours away from me. And that's about the basics of my family life.

Moving on to everything else. Lets see, I have two very best friends. One went away to college and the other is with me at the community college. We don't really hang out a lot, but that's alright because when we do its great. I have a boyfriend who I am very much in love with who is in the military. Our relationship is long-distance and can be hard at times but I cannot imagine my life without him. He is the only one I want in my life, for the rest of my life, and I'm going to do everything I can to hold onto him.

He was here for a month after his deployment to Iraq, and it was amazing seeing him and making our connection that much stronger. Admittedly when he was in Iraq I had a lot of doubts, but now I have next to none. See, how we started dating is kinda complicated in the first place. He was here on a two week leave before he left for deployment. My best friend (the one who's going to the same college as me) introduced us and, well, I fell for him fast and hard. I only spent three days with him in total before he left and was shipped over seas. While he was there, we sent e-mails to each other two or more times a week and just talked about.... well.... everything. So when he was here for his month leave when he got back, we really had a chance to connect. I was mostly worried that when we saw each other again it just wouldn't be the same, but it was. And now I am extremely happy and I guess you could say that I have faith that we will be able to make it through whatever tough times lie ahead of us.

Anyways, that's probably enough about my life, I image those of you who have read to this point must be extremely bored and I can't blame you. I am writing this blog as a way to sort out my thoughts and just kinda get out what I need to. Yes, I do know that's what a diary is for... and I will not be posting everything on here (I do have a diary for personal matters) but I find that it's much easier to type then write out pages at a time so I'm gonna give this blog thing a shot and see how it goes. I have some homework I should probably get done for my classes tomorrow anyways so I'm gonna log off. I will post again probably tomorrow.

~Tamizan Rae

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